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When you choose to work with us, here's what you can expect:

We care

At OLFP, you're not just a client; you're a partner. We're as committed to your financial success as you are, providing personalised guidance every step of the way.


We're approachable

We're passionate about money and finance and bring a fresh, engaging approach that makes managing your money both enlightening and enjoyable.


We communicate clearly

We believe in transparency. We'll explain our strategies, the reasoning behind them, and keep you informed every step of the way.


We focus on real-life solutions

Our advice isn't just theoretical. We ensure strategies that work in your day-to-day life, helping you achieve both immediate goals and long-term dreams.


We help great people

Our clients are individuals and families who want to make smarter financial decisions and secure their future. They are everyday people just like you.


We collaborate

We work seamlessly with your other financial professionals - be it your Accountant, Solicitor, or Mortgage Advisor - ensuring a coordinated approach that always puts your best interests first.

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O'Leary Insurances Life & Pensions (Galway) Ltd T/A O’Leary Financial Planning is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Company Registration Number – 320878.

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