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Welcome to O'Leary Financial Planning's Knowledge Hub

At O'Leary Financial Planning, we believe that informed clients make better financial decisions.

That's why we've created this collection of free guides, eBooks and regular informative blogs, designed to demystify complex financial topics and empower you on your journey to financial freedom.

Browse our selection below and download the guides that interest you – your path to greater financial confidence starts here.

Guides & eBooks

Here, our expert advisors share their experience through comprehensive guides, case studies, and analysis, helping you navigate the financial landscape.


The Financial
Freedom Roadmap

Download The Financial Freedom Roadmap to learn 9 simple steps for taking control of your finances, maximizing your income, and getting ahead financially. This guide is designed for professionals and business owners to simplify finances, grow wealth, and protect what’s theirs.


The Retire with
More guide

The Retire with More guide outlines 3 key steps to eliminate confusion about retirement options and helps you find the best path to financial security. If you want to stop worrying about money as retirement approaches, this guide will show you how.


How to Turn Your Finances Around in Under 90 Days

To create clarity, certainty, and confidence in your financial future with a strategic, well-planned approach, it's time to take action. Implement the 8 steps from How to Turn Your Finances Around in Under 90 Days to transform the way you structure your financial future.


Retirement Freedom
Gap Analyser

The Retirement Freedom Gap Analyser shows how your desired retirement freedom compares to your financial trajectory, identifying any gaps. You can adjust inputs in real-time and see where you stand through simple illustrations. Use it to take steps to bridge gaps or confirm you're
on track.


Financial Freedom Roadmap.

Download the Financial Freedom Roadmap, a concise guide outlining the 3 foundations and 9 core pillars for making every Euro you earn count. It helps reduce financial stress and uncertainty you might be feeling. This guide is particularly helpful if you're working to create the comfortable lifestyle you and your
family desire.


Ensure Sufficient
Income guide

A well-planned pension offers more than financial security; it provides the freedom to look forward to a life of possibilities in retirement. Download the Ensure Sufficient Income guide to learn how to maximize your retirement opportunities and make smarter financial decisions.

Ready to experience the difference of personalised, comprehensive financial planning?

Contact O'Leary Financial Planning today to schedule your complimentary consultation and take the first step
towards your best financial life.Here's what sets us apart:

Blogs & Resources

Hover over the demographic that best suits you and discover how we can help you achieve your
financial aspirations and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a secure future.

Company Owners avoid the 20% surcharge on your reserves

April 12, 2021

Irish companies which are “close” companies are liable to pay a 20% surcharge each year on any investment income (or […]

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Keeping your wealth in the family…

June 18, 2021

Passing on wealth can be a sensitive subject not only because of the financial complexities but also the family emotions […]

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The Impact of Inflation on Your Savings & Investments

July 6, 2021

Euro saved is a Euro earned! So the saying goes, but thanks to inflation the value of that Euro saved […]

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What you need to know about starting a pension

July 15, 2021

What do you need to know about starting a pension? People retiring today expect to be much more active than […]

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Nearing Retirement: Checklist of things to do

July 15, 2021

Checklist of things to do when you near retirement   It’s a good idea to start planning when you’re nearing […]

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Protecting your Income

July 16, 2021

Professionals are Failing to Protect their Biggest Asset; Themselves! With years of education behind them, and years of earning potential in […]

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O'Leary Insurances Life & Pensions (Galway) Ltd T/A O’Leary Financial Planning is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Company Registration Number – 320878.

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