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Are you planning to give a gift of money or other assets to someone other than your spouse or civil partner in the future?

The basic goal of estate and gift tax planning is to ensure that as much of your assets and property, whether they are gifted during your lifetime or bequeathed in your Will, are transferred with as little taxation consequences as possible.   With careful estate and tax planning, it is possible to minimize or even

Are you planning to give a gift of money or other assets to someone other than your spouse or civil partner in the future? Read More »

Inheritance Tax Planning

Anyone who owns property or other assets should make a Will. Having an up-to-date Will means your assets will be distributed according to your wishes. More importantly, your family is spared a complicated and drawn-out administration of your estate as set out by the Succession Act 1965. Dying intestate (without making a Will) means your personal

Inheritance Tax Planning Read More »